November 16, 2020

Hearing on New Rules and Regulations THIS THURSDAY, November 19, 2020

The Rules and Regulations of the Commissioner of Insurance are proposed to be amended by the following actions: 

  • Amending Regulation 120-2-97 entitled “Pharmacy Benefits Managers Regulation”
  • Promulgating Regulation 120-2-106 entitled “Surprise Billing”

The Rules and Regulations of the Commissioner of Insurance and Safety Fire are proposed to be amended by the following actions: 

  • Repealing Regulation 120-3-7-.08, entitled “Annual License,” and in lieu thereof, adopting a new Regulation 120-3-7-.08, entitled “Annual License.”
  • Repealing Chapter 120-3-25, entitled “Rules and Regulations for Escalators and Elevators,” and in lieu thereof, adopting a new Chapter 120-3-25, entitled “Rules and Regulations for Escalators and Elevators.”
  • Repealing Chapter 120-3-26, entitled “Rules and Regulations for Boilers and Pressure Vessels,” and in lieu thereof, adopting a new Chapter 120-3-26, entitled “Rules and Regulations for Boilers and Pressure Vessels.”

Interested persons may participate in the proposed rulemaking by making oral comments at the hearing to be held THIS THURSDAY, November 19, 2020, at 10:00 A.M. at: 

Hearing Room of the Office of Commissioner of Insurance
Ninth Floor, West Tower, Floyd Building, Two Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30334

Oral presentations at the hearing may be limited to five (5) minutes per person in order to afford all interested persons an opportunity to be heard.  If you have a physical impairment and require assistance or have any questions regarding this notice, please contact the Administrative Procedure Division. 

Interested parties may also view the hearing online via Zoom with the below login information:

Meeting ID: 858 7594 2098

Passcode: 974722