How Do I …
Become an Approved Captive Manager in the State of Georgia?
Prior to operating as a captive manager in the State of Georgia, each captive manager must first obtain approval from the Georgia Insurance Department's Captive Insurance Division. In order to obtain approval, captive managers should do the following.
Familiarize Yourself With the Relevant Georgia Laws and Rules
Review O.C.G.A. §§ 33-41-1 et seq. and Georgia Regulation 120-2-45 in order to become familiar with the Georgia laws and rules directly related to the regulation of captive insurance companies and captive managers in the State of Georgia.
File All Required Application Fees, Forms and Documents With the Captive Insurance Division
- Pay the $50 filing and processing charge to the Georgia Insurance Department.
- Complete and submit an Application to Serve as Manager of Captive Insurance Company (GID-279-RS).
- Complete and submit the Biographical Affidavit with Background Reports for Captive Manager (GID-415-RS).
- Only the individual principally responsible for management of the Captive Insurance Company accounts needs to submit a biographical affidavit and a background report; please note; If this individual submitted a biographical affidavit and background report for review as part of a Third Party Administrator application within the past 12 months, such individual is not required to submit Form GID-415-RS.
- A list of independent third parties that furnish background investigation reports in compliance with UCAA Best Practices/Guidelines for Background Investigations can be found
here . Please note:
- The captive manager applicant must order the background report directly from the company performing the background investigation
- Reports should be sent directly to the Division from such company.
- The Division does not order the background investigations.
- These reports can take anywhere from a few weeks to a month or longer to complete, so please be sure to start this process as early as possible.
- Submit the Citizenship Affidavit Form (GID-276-EN) and a Secure and Verifiable Form of Identification
- Only the individual principally responsible for the management of the Captive Insurance Company accounts needs to submit a citizenship affidavit form and a secure and verifiable form of identification
- Information regarding this requirement can be found on the Citizenship Affidavit Page of Department’s website
- Applicants can click here to access and view all the forms that must be submitted to the Captive Insurance Division when seeking to become a Captive Manager
Send a Hard Copy of the Application Package to the Captive Insurance Division
A hard copy of the application package must be submitted to the Division for review via mail or courier. Please note that the addresses for delivery via mail versus overnight or courier are different.
- Standard Mail:
Georgia Insurance Department
ATTN: Director, Captive Insurance Division
P.O. Box 935138
Atlanta, GA 31193-5138
- Overnight or Courier:
Wells Fargo
Georgia Insurance Department
ATTN: Director, Captive Insurance Division
Lockbox # 935138
3585 Atlanta Ave
Hapeville, GA 30354
- Standard Mail:
Next Steps
- After the application package is deemed complete and the Captive Insurance Division begins its review, the Applicant may be required to submit additional information as deemed appropriate by the Division.
- Typically, the Division will either approve or disapprove the application to become a Captive Manager within 30 days (see Ga Reg. 120-2-45-05). However, if the Division requires additional time for its review, it may extend such 30 day period for an additional 30 days by notifying the Applicant in writing, pursuant to O.C.G.A. §33-41-1, et sel.
- If the Commissioner ultimately approves the Applicant’s application, the Commissioner will issue a registration for the Captive Manager.