Incident Reporting

Numerous fire-related incidents are required by law to be reported to the Georgia Office of Commissioner of Insurance and Safety Fire, Fire Marshal’s Division.

Burn Injury

Georgia Statute 25-2-32.1 requires that a health professional file a written report with the State Fire Marshal within 72 hours after being notified of a burn injury or wound that the professional is called upon to treat, dress, or bandage. The following burn injuries are subject to reporting:

  • Second or third degree burns to five (5) percent or more of the body
  • Burns to the upper respiratory tract
  • Laryngeal edema from inhaling superheated air
  • Burn injury or wound that may result in the victim’s death

To report a burn injury,

- Please contact [email protected] to create an account in LMS to report all burn injury for your hospital.


Download this pdf file. - How to report once an account is created

Fire Fatalities 

All fire fatalities will be reported to the Georgia State Fire Marshals Office with in 72 Hours of the Incident utilizing the state fire fatality reporting system with in LMS. 

- Please contact [email protected] to create an account in LMS to report all burn injury for your hospital.


Download this pdf file. - How to report once account is created

Fire Incident Reporting under the Georgia Fire Safety Act

Rule 120-3-6.03 requires that any owner, manager, or operator of any building covered under the Georgia Fire Safety Act must report every fire, whether or not the fire was accidental or incendiary, to the Safety Fire Division within 24 hours of the incident.

To report a fire incident, please download and complete the Facility Fire Incident Report form (GID-339C-SF) and email it within 24 hours to [email protected]

Click here to access the Facility Fire Incident Report form (GID-339C-SF)

Fire Department Reporting (GFIRS)

The State Fire Marshal’s Office has adopted the NFIRS Version 5.0 as the standard for incident reporting Georgia Fire Incident Reporting System Version 5.0 (GFIRS). The (GFIRS) collects information on a full range of fire department activity to include information regarding types of fires, injuries and fatalities for civilian and fire service personnel, EMS, hazardous materials, Wildland fires and apparatus and personnel. 

NOTICE: Georgia Incident Reporting Regulations and Changes as of July 1, 2024. Attend our upcoming session that dives into the updates and regulations concerning Georgia Incident Reporting starting from July 1, 2024, and discover more about the new NERIS (National Emergency Reporting Incident System).

On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM (EDT).

This event is designed for all Fire Chiefs and their Administration Staff.

Register Here


More about GFIRS.