Utilization Review Agents/Private Review Agents

Initial Certifications and Re-certifications (renewals)

This process has been moved from Insurance Product Review to Insurance Regulations - Licensing. As we transfer this paper process, there will be delays in handling some filings. Please know that all received dates will be used as the official date for the filing.

  • For recertifications, we will review within 30 days of receipt and will send an approval email notice or a deficiency notice to provide any required items.
  • For initial certifications, we will review within 30 days of receipt and will send an approval email notice or a deficiency notice to provide any required items. 

Notifications process:

  • Email sent when the filing is received
  • Email sent within 30 days for recertifications of either approval or for deficient items
  • Email sent within 30 days for certifications of either approval or for deficient items

For all deficient notices, the applications and renewals will be closed out incomplete if deficient items are not provided within 60 days of the deficiency notice. Applicants will then need to reapply. 

Annual Reports

Annual Reports can be emailed to [email protected]. Please do not send under a private, encrypted or restricted mode. We will not be able to open those type of emails. When received, you will receive return email that the filing was received within two business days.

Questions and request for assistance can be sent to [email protected]. A response should be received within one business day.